The Fibonacci Sequence: Interesting Facts

Ever heard of Fibonacci Day? It falls on November 23rd – when written in the mm/dd format, the date appears as 11/23. This in turn leads to a Fibonacci sequence – 1, 1, 2, 3 – a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two numbers before it. The team at Fibonacci Marketing takes a closer look at the meaning behind the namesake of our digital marketing company.


Not Just a Number, but a Person

Also called Leonardo Pisano (Leonardo of Pisa in English), Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician who shortened the phrase “filo Bonacci” – meaning “son of Bonacci” – to create his now famous name. Some also say it was originally a misreading of “filius Bonacci” on a manuscript.


It All Began With Rabbits

simple puzzle about rabbit populations is what eventually led to the birth of the Fibonacci sequence. In his book Liber Abaci, Fibonacci described a hypothetical situation in which a newly born pair of rabbits (male and female) in a field produce another pair of rabbits at the end of their second month. If the rabbits never died and continued producing the exact same pair at the end of every month, how many rabbits would there be in the field at the end of the year? The answer turned out to be 144, and the formula used to arrive at the answer would become known as the Fibonacci Sequence.


1597 Was the Last Year That Was a Fibonacci Number

The next one will be 2584. Assuming we’ll still be around by then.


The Fibonacci Sequence Has Been Used in Music…

Mozart implemented the Fibonacci sequence in some of his most beautiful, well-known pieces of music. He would jot down mathematical equations in the margins of the score for various compositions; most notably, his Piano Sonata #1 in C major K279.


… And in the Visual Arts

The Fibonacci sequence is believed to produce images that contain especially beautiful aesthetics. An example would be none other than Leonardo Da Vinci’s most famous work, The Mona Lisa – it’s actually why the woman’s eyes seem to follow you around the room! The Fibonacci numbers were used by Da Vinci to create the Fibonacci Spiral – a shape constructed out of certain dimensions to balance the features of a picture by thirds, thus achieving a more pleasant flow to the overall image. In the Mona Lisa, the Spiral begins at the woman’s left wrist and ends at the tip of her nose, almost framing her entire body.


Let Fibonacci Marketing Unlock the Sequence to Your Success!

If your business is in need of a digital marketing boost, contact us today. Our team can help you put together a strategy that will enhance your brand and reach your target online audience, whether through social media, SEO, content or web design. For true digital marketing success, look no further than Fibonacci Marketing!

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